Change System & Tickets Date Format
Please add on the new feature update a possibility to change the system date format to have other format as default. We are exporting timesheet and the date format are set to US which does not work for us as we are in Australia. This is a must setting that you should be looking to implement.

jerry stefik commented
The format is essential if you don't use the US date format; as disclosed by other members, the date 02/09/2024 becomes for non-US people 09/02/2024, which is a massive difference. until now, I thought that the date was picked up by the timezone specified in the portal settings, so I have learned that the last time I saw the date or any information, I was misinforming our team. I am not here to say why but I hope that you can add this I believe quick Feature Improvements that all non-US users will find helpful to do day to day job. Furthermore, any executive reports sent to clients are also misleading and were not accounted for. Once again hope this will be implemented soon
Scott Morrison commented
Yep - as everyone who doesn't live in the States says - Pls change
COOLNETAU commented
Honestly, this is 2024. this is just poor programming at this stage
Restarting a device on 7/8/24 is fraught with danger when you live in a DD/MM/YYYY country.
At the very least settle on YYYY\Mon\Date
Mark S commented
I'm going to add some context as to how this creates a problem...
US = January 12th, 2023
EU = December 1st, 2023Wherever possible I use dd-mmm-yy - 12-Jan-23 - This prevents any confusion.
I support clients in US and EU. This often creates problems, especially if a technician is not wary of the regional differences.
Neil Owen commented
We would like to use the "Ticket Created" date in our email quick replies - however the date shows in mm/dd/yyyy format rather than dd/mm/yyyy format which we require in the UK. Please could you enable a system wide formatting sytsem for the various layouts people may want for dates based on country (perhaps).
Mark Palmer commented
One would expect that this would be a standard feature as most regions around the world have their own preferred date format. American formats can be ambiguous. Even a basic selection of formats would be an improvement.
YYYY/MM/DDAlpha numeric
ddd/mmm/yyyyplus 24hr and 12hr (Am/PM) time formats.