Ticket Lock
This is essential in preventing double responses on tickets.
Ticket locking feature. Once a tech is on a ticket, all actions within the ticket would be locked for subsequent techs that visit.
That is, as long as the original tech is on the ticket or after a set amount of time while the original tech is on.
For example, Tech 1 views the ticket. Tech 2 views the ticket and it is locked. Tech 1 leaves the ticket. Tech 2 can now edit/respond to the ticket.
Tech 1 views the ticket. Tech 2 views the ticket and it is locked. Tech 1 goes AFK while on the ticket. After 5 minutes, Tech 2 can now edit/respond.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
David Johnston commented
It's been 3 years, so it doesn't look like this one has made much progress. I'd like to echo Hugh's thoughts. We switched from OS Ticket to Atera. One of the great features in OS Ticket was that it would warn you if you opened a ticket another technician was looking at. I'm OK with a warning message as opposed to a complete lockout, but some notification that another technician is potentially working on the same ticket would be really helpful.
Fabian Olteanu commented
I Agree with Tracey, the feature would be amazing as it prevents double response which looks very unprofessional, but it should have a feature where you can specify how long the ticket is locked once the technician enters it, probably 2 min should be enough. It could be also a permanent lock with managers (admins) having the option to override this.
Tracey Naleway commented
I like this concept, but only if there was an admin/supervisor override that allows some roles to be able to edit at the same time. Or maybe an adjustable timeframe. Different IT shops work in different ways (especially given different size teams and organizations). In my current team, something like a 2 min lockout might work well - just enough to keep my techs from stepping all over each other, but not too much that irritates me as a manager!)