Patch Dashboard View
Need to be able to see a "Patch Dashboard" where you can see the patches & clients in one view and can apply patches. Going into the "Band-Aid" on each machine really isn't a practical approach.

Congratulations on helping shape Atera! The feature you requested is currently being considered for development. Please be patient as the process can take a while or even stall to make way for other features. We’ll update you once it’s been implemented and released!
Hristo Iliev commented
Hi, do you have any information if this feature will be implemented?
Dean Walker commented
Add a patch management widget, How many devices are fully updated, how many are awaiting a update. The ability to be able to configure servers/desktop view aswell as patch status.
For instance show all desktops that have critical updates awaiting. A bit like the overdue/critical ticket widget -
Pete Curtner commented
Additionally, we need to be able to see the number of available patches per device - most other RMMs can do this.
This way when onboarding a new customer or site, we can quickly focus on those devices that will require the most attention or time to bring into compliance.