Availability monitoring Threshold
It would be fantastic to be able to change the sensitivity of the availability monitoring, we get alot of false alerts that servers have gone off-line. Having the option to generate an alert after 2 (or more) consecutive failures would be awesome.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Wes Gale commented
Want to add a new comment here so hopefully their support teams looks at this again. We recently enabled the alert generated tickets and we get a TON of tickets daily for servers that have gone offline, but either one of us rebooted the server and forgot to disable monitoring, or the customers internet blipped (generating a dozen tickets) or it just failed to check in. having the option to set the threshold would actually enable us to make better use of all the other alerts so we arent flooded with alerts about offline servers that arent actually offline
Brian Bergen commented
This seems like an easy fix to add the time interval that a device can be off-line before the Availability Monitoring sends the alert.
FYI !!! Your tech support keeps asking to add regedit that does not make sense for changing this alert.
REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ATERA Networks\AlphaAgent" /f /v HeartBeatInterval /t REG_DWORD /d 90
sc stop AteraAgent && sc start AteraAgent -
Richard Papp commented
This is definitely a must have. The amount of nuisance alerts basically causes me to disregard all alerts. There should be an option for, if the condition exists beyond X minutes, then alert.
Guillaume DUVAL commented
I would like an Auto-reset feature in order to reset the threshold after a period, or reset when no longer met