Pause alerts during patching window (set devices into maintenance mode)
During patching set devices into maintenance mode or similar in order that not all alerts are showing up all the time and filling up the ticket system

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Jon Scarpa commented
We need a weekly maintenance window, since we reboot our servers to apply windows updates every week on Saturday at 1 am. Thank you.
Alexander Brauch commented
It would be great to have an maintenance mode for service updates!
Michel Gaillardetz commented
We need a patching automated schedule like mentioned by others. We also have tons of alerts because some servers are shutdown after hours to save Cloud compute costs (ex: Some Dev/QA Environments). We know these don't need to be monitored during that maintenance window, so we would like to be able to schedule this. Avoid Red Alerts for nothing in the dashboard.
Pedro Cardoso commented
This would be a great feature
JC Systems commented
We just had a planned power outage at 2 sites.
I feel it is a major oversite by the Atera Team to not have scheduled (known) maintenance periods to pause alerts.
Looking at the comments that this has been requested and under review for nearly a year, I am disappointed.
j vels commented
Just did the first windows update run using Atera this weekend, and this caused around 600 emails with warnings from cpu, availability etc.
This feature is really needed, mailfloods like this are unwanted. -
Cody Reimers commented
This is something I have requested of Atera as well. Additionally, just a bulk pause feature would appreciated as well. We do maintenance frequently on several servers at once, so getting several alerts coming in during a maintenance windows becomes frustrating when you have to pause alerts for each device individually.
InnerVision Computer commented
Yes a Maintenance window with pause alerts would be very helpful, also it would be nice to be able to select multiple devices on the devices page and pause alerts for all at once.
stefan chyba commented
We wanted to migrate our server monitoring and management from N-ABLE RMM to Atera. But as we found out that we cannot schedule maintenance windows, we stopped the migration.
We are monitoring services with a script in case of an alert, but this script must not run in the maintenance window as this service has to be and stay stopped.
Scheduling maintenance windows is a must have! -
Technik User commented
More than three quarters of our tickets are from update restarts. This is ridiculous. How is it still not fixed?