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  1. Reduced license for management to check tickets, run reports etc. I don't think its fair to charge a full license fee for a user that doesn't use most of the features

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  2. Ability to remove "view" option for scripts for tech that are not admin - Currently when they run the script on a device, there is option to view the script. The use case for that is, if we are using API key in the script to use custom fields, we don't want to expose our API key to normal technicians.

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  3. Roles & Permissions: when limiting access to a specific customer, the technician shouldn't be able to delete or edit IT Automation Profiles/Scripts that are assigned to other customers

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  4. Would like to have SNMP Templates Management added as an assignable role under RMM like Manage Scripts.

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  5. We have a problem where we need to restrict admin access to just management. However when we have tried to create custom roles previously, we have to specify which customers that role has access to. On top of this, when new customers are added to the system, we have to manually edit this role to enable those new customers each time.

    There needs to be a checkbox to allow access to all customers when editing the role.

    In the meantime, we have given up on using 'roles' and have to give everyone the admin role :(

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  6. To assign a technician to give permission to certain folder and not everything. Restriction based on departments and not “sites”

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    Hello, Thanks so much for submitting your idea! It’s currently under review by our product team, and should a decision be reached to develop it, we’ll keep you in the loop!

  7. It would be great if we can enable the recording for remote session permanently and save the video on the cloud storage safely for auditing purposes. I know any desk has this recording feature, but the video gets saved on local computer where technician can delete or modify the video file. So, my suggestion is setting up integration with Cloud storage such as “Wasabi Cloud storage” and Any desk or Splashtop to save the video on the cloud. Wasabi provide very inexpensive cloud storage $6 for 1TB.

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  8. You provide a limited license to your customer for the purposes of enabling some level of IT support or support assistance such as tracking and prioritization

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  9. How are you using the Roles' functionality? Would you like us to add any new permissions? Would you like us to add any default roles? Share your needs...we're listening!

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  10. Business case

    A customer who requires more than one MSP to provide services for their IT function. However, most vendors for PSA and RMM are great to provide a single tenancy per MSP with multiple technicians and multiple customers, but assuming the MSP is the single outsourcing party per IT customer. This is the common scenario with small IT customers.
    The bigger customers may have more than one MSP.
    The struggles are:
    1. Different vendors’ PSA and RMM add complexity and require integration between MSPs
    2. Single point of contact from a customer perspective requires one MSP to take all…

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  11. More granular user permissions. A lot of things now require the highest admin rights which should really be reserved for the owner. Also, it would be nice if the folders for client devices allowed granular permissions, that way certain techs could have access to some client devices but not all.

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    Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!

  12. When removing permission for a tech to see billing, it should remove the possibility for them to view contracts and being able to edit them as well.

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  13. I think it would be a good idea to be able to hide these tabs for certain roles
    EG we have a client that has an onsite technician and he has access to our ticketing system I do not want him to be able to see those tabs
    Our L1 techs should also not be able to see those tabs since we do not use them

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  14. Not all technicians should have the same privileges per customer, folder, or machine.

    We need the ability to limit level 1 or outsourced technicians from running scripts, accessing a remote command prompt or PowerShell.

    Currently, all technicians have SYSTEM account access to all endpoints.

    This is a major security concern!

    Currently, any technician can reset or create admin credentials.

    This includes Active Directory domain controllers.

    Entering the following commands from a remote command prompt will grant all technicians domain admin rights.

    net user administrator /active:yes
    net user administrator $NewPassword$

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    Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!

  15. Hi, it would be useful to hide the appcenter for specific users because there are the MSP Prices listed for the modules.

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  16. A separate permission that we can turn on/off to allow members of a Role to create new clients. I am not comfortable with the idea of allowing all of our technicians Full Admin Access just to have the ability to create a new client/customer.

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  17. We would like to have the ability to assign different licensing to different employees as an example if we have a security team to do some port checking or so we would like to assign them the network discovery option but not for the rest of the team that will never use it. This goes for Guest as well for example: Customer would lik to use our tool to jump on his own machines so we should be able to assign a limited license for remote management only.

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  18. Desperately need various roles for non-technical people to be able to access Atera for PSA and Billing purposes.

    Sales people should be able to add customers/customer information, but never be allowed access to RMM functions like devices or scripts or anything technical--but the option to grant those permissions should also be there for technical-minded sales people. (Think Sales Engineer who moved to that role from Field Tech and helps clear ticket queues from time to time)

    Billing people should be able to add/edit customers, do invoicing, manage ticket information (like correcting spelling errors) etc... but not have access to anything…

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    Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!

  19. It would be helpful to be able to control what Technicians see and have access to within IT Automation.
    ∙ A Technician cannot assign an IT Automation to a device or folder unless I turn on the IT Automation feature within the Technicians > Role Assignment.
    ∙ I don't want my Technicians to view or even be able to select an IT Automation that is not relevant to that particular Customer.
    ∙ If I enable IT Automation for a Technician, they can see all jobs, and edit all jobs, etc. It would be preferred that they can only view them…

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  20. Ability to set roles for viewing the Activity Log instead of providing full admin access or not. Currently if a user is not granted full admin access, they will not be able to view the activity log.

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