365 results found
Check to see which machines have OneDrive up and running to ensure data is backed up in real time
Check to see which machines have OneDrive logged in and running to ensure data is backed up in real time. This could then single out which users do not have it running and allow us to prompt them to start it and log in to protect their data.
1 vote -
Advanced Reporting filters for Product Family & Product
It appears that a couple of filters are missing in the system. Currently, we can only run reports based on ticket impact, source, and priority.
However, there are no options available for product family or products. This limitation results in vague reporting, as we are unable to determine the volume of tickets for each product.
I strongly believe that incorporating this feature into Atera's advanced reporting is crucial for better analysis and would enhance our reporting stats for businesses.
1 vote -
update report
The product is missing details in its update report that requires fixing.
There are no details as to which patch was updated or failed. Only says it was updated or not.
This happens for both OS updates and Software updates.Please fix this as soon as possible.
It's a bug.1 vote -
Filter out offline devices from the patching report so we can get a more accurate report
Filter out offline devices from the patching report so we can get a more accurate report
3 votes -
Add "Requires Reboot" to Atera API
At the moment, the Atera UI shows us that a machine requires a reboot, but without running a command against each machine, it is not possible to identify if they require a reboot directly with the API. This would be a very useful feature for the purpose of patching and reporting.
10 votes -
Export Knowledge Base Articles
Provide the ability to export knowledge base article as a .pdf, .docx format, or .csv.
7 votes -
custom field from personal contact report
custom field from personal contact report - In the information on the customer card, we have added personalized fields - such as a private email address, customer name in Hebrew \ last name in Hebrew \ and other personal data at the customer level
Currently, there is no report that allows receiving this information centralized for the customer, we would be happy to create a report that allows for the selection of these customized fields1 vote -
Scheduled Advanced Report send by own email domain
We scheduled our custom advanced report to customer and send by weekly.
This is good that if the email delivered by own email domain, like Ticket Alert. Instead of noreply@reports.atera.com.
1 vote -
Consolidate Reports & Report Cosmetics
We want to easily provide clients with a single report giving them a full overview of their environment
Thus being able to consolidate reports such as
Periodic Report with the Timesheet & Patch summary report, being in a position where you can provide clients with a single overview showing them - Overview, Patch Status, Ticket Status, Ticket Ratings.COSMETICS
We would like to be able to have a "Cover Page" on our reports
Further to this we would like to be able to add a description for the various sections eg. Tickets Rated "This is the feedback received from your…6 votes -
Ability to remove some columns and information from classic reports
Ability to remove some columns and information from classic reports
4 votes -
Schedule report unable to select Contacts and Technician at the same time.
Wish to send report to Customer email and also cc to technician email.
Instead of create multiple schedule report.
1 vote -
Improved Time entries display on timesheet report
Time Entries description on the Timesheet report shows all line as one paragraph instead of breaking it down which makes it difficult to read.
2 votes -
Reports/Dashboard with all the available patches
Reports/Dashboard with all the available patches
2 votes -
report - software inventory - devices without / missing software filter
report - software inventory - devices without / missing software filter
17 votes -
Need information on report when a device was last rebooted, disconnected and powered on
Need information on report on when a device was last rebooted, disconnected and powered on
2 votes -
Online and Offline Indicator in Auditor report
When generating a report from Auditor, it does not indicate Online or offline status, I would like to please implement that feature if that is possible. Thank you.
2 votes -
timesheet email report
Automated Timesheets show the report details but do not show the customer name, please will you add the customer name.
1 vote -
reports uk time and data xls
Id like to be able to download my reports in Excel but have the dates in DD/MM/YYYY
3 votes -
A Monthly Service Desk Report Summary
A generic monthly service desk report would be amazing to provide to clients every month which shows the number of tickets received, pending, resolved and outstanding. the SLA for the month, patch report. most popular ticket categories and their next level sub cat. top, say 10, alerts. and maybe a user list (so they can confirm the correct amount) - just a generic of the most popular items to deliver to a client in a monthly service desk meeting - and one we can send to them
1 vote -
Would be nice to duplicate a classic reports and then modify it in the Advanced Report Editor
Would be nice to duplicate a classic reports and then modify it in the Advanced Report Editor
3 votes
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