Create Custom Tags
Being able to create our own custom tags for ticket automation would be very beneficial. Setting a tag using ticket automation rules is already possible, so this addition would be a huge improvement.

Hey, thanks for posting your feedback!
Adding manual tags is available, please refer to this knowledge base article for more information:
Superior IT Department commented
+1 here. I want to ensure that the tag I create is used by everyone on the team, and not have them manually entering a tag that can easily be typoed.
Anders Bjånesøy commented
Hi Atera! This answer about adding tags manually completely misses the mark on the original suggestion. This isn't about being able to apply a tag to a ticket, it's about changing the tags that are available. Let's say we receive a ticket regarding sales - I would like to tag that as sales, but that tag isn't available.
As such, the suggestion is: let us create our own custom tags. Please update your answer.
Damon Middleton commented
Concur. The available tags are limited.