Zapier Integration
Integration with Zapier would open an entirely new realm of automation with other applications. It would allow people to be a lot more efficient, such as automating a new ticket when a certain category of deal is won in Pipedrive, and more.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Matt Hardwick commented have a good implementation and I tend to use that more than Zapier these days.
FBS commented
This would be fantastic. I use Zoho for my invoicing and this would allow me to integrate the two.
Paul Williams commented
Being able to trigger a dashboard alert with an email similar to the way Atera's "Auto-Generated Support Address" creates a new ticket would be a great way to tie Ateria with Zapier and IFTTT and hundreds of other third party security products.
Juan Orso commented
Hi, any news regarding this integration? It would be great to interconnect Atera with other services.