When clicking on a device and viewing the device info it would be nice to see a screenshot of the end users active desktop.
Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Callum Corrigan commented
I would really like this - it helps me know if a machine is safe to connect to or if someone is using it. E.g., last logon may still show a user, but if the screenshot shows the lockscreen, I know that I can connect.
Phill Barnes commented
Yes, please -- handy feature we used to determine status of a remote PC
Rich Kellett commented
Like @Josiah Deal, this was a very helpful tool for us to quickly identify issues or confirm the correct PC to connect to with customers +1 from us lot :)
Josiah Deal commented
This was a feature that I was familiar with in ScreenConnect (Now Connectwise Control). It was handy for knowing the state of the computer you were about to connect to. It was also useful for confirming if a computer was not working properly. For example, we have a computer that runs some digital signage. If the signage application crashed, I'd be able to tell from the screenshot thumbnail that it wasn't running and could address it accordingly.
Alex Young commented
It would be good to maybe utilize the helpdesk agent on the computers, to allow them to take a screenshot of the error and log a ticket via this.