Choose number of devices to view per page
The ability to choose how many devices to view per page (10,20,40, 100, etc)

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
GregD commented
All devices, all the time please.
Nathan Rangitaawa commented
10 devices per page is simply not enough.
Aaron Elliott commented
I took a screenshot to show how ridiculous this looks on a high-resolution monitor, but of course it can't be attached here. This definitely needs some attention. It's frustrating!
Mike Taylor commented
For clients with a lot of devices, it would be very useful when wanting to apply something like an IT Automation profile to all of them. At the moment it's painful to have to go through each page.
Would also be a workaround if you want to go back to the device list from a device. As it doesn't remember what page you were on when originally selecting the device, it always starts at page 1 again. Would be helpful if you could set the number of devices to view per page in the settings so you don't have to keep changing it back from the default 10.
Lars Elgaard commented
The Customer - devicelisting should look like the dynamic listing in global device listing.
The 10 devices pr. page does not work. -
Arjan Pool commented
Or at least all devices on one page..... (in the customers list. I was there once.. but it has disappeared a while ago