Password History
a disgruntled employee could go through Atera and delete critical passwords. the wrong password could be updated. An old system could come back to us with an out of data admin password that has been updated in atera and the old one forgotten.
the ability to run a password history report on a client to see old or deleted passwords that were stored in atera, so it would make the actions of a disgruntled employee useless instead of critically damaging.

Nice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Andrew commented
I was about to say something along the same lines as CSIA Helpdesk below, this is a monumental risk on so many levels and a very very bad idea.
Sounds like you need a better contract for your employee's that makes them liable for damages, not a password history.
CSIA Helpdesk Support commented
From a security point of view, This seems to be a risk. Not sure if this is a good feature to have. Password is not supposed to be stored and kept. what is the point to change passwords if old password records are kept