Tickets reordering
It would be AWESOME if we could manually reorder tickets (a sort of custom order) by dragging them up and down the list. And/or pin tickets to the top of the list.
Basically, a way to customize the ticket list in order to organize priorities when starting our day. Because sometimes you don't want to start changing priorities for tickets. Sometimes you decide you will address minor requests while working on major problems at the same time.
So in the morning, you move (or pin to the top) the tickets you plan you'll be able to work on that day...

Dominique Di Pinto commented
This feature could be showing tickets in kanban mode ? Like we could do it in Microsoft planner ? We could organize them in several columns.
Ryan commented
YES! The ability to pin individual tickets would be a massive time saver and help with efficiency. Currently I've just been making dummy changes to some tickets to keep them at the top which is ridiculous. Obviously another way of doing this would be making some new categories and then filtering, but it would be nice to be able to view all open tickets and have the most time critical pinned to the top, and even keep certain tickets which you may be working on, on and off over a period of days/weeks at the top for quick easy access.