Automated ticket closing based on criteria.
Automated ticket closing and message to client based on Criteria
We want our ticket response times to look healthy. The problem is that often times, clients won't respond to use. Because tickets are flowing in so quickly, they often fall to the bottom of the page, and are lost. We try to follow a procedure of when a client doesn't respond to a ticket within 7 days, we close the ticket, and inform them that they can reopen it if this issue is still current, but that we haven't heard from them in 7 days so we're closing it.
If there was a way to automate that processes, we'd have a better ticket response score (which is visible in our client reports) and a way to keep customers happy.
This is avalibale via our time-based ticket automation rules:,actions%20based%20on%20time%20passed.
If you have any questions about setting this up, please reach out to our support team.
Hope this helps!