Pause alerts for custom times
Currently, you can pause alerts from the Device > Manage > Pause Alerts for up to 5 hours, we have a server we won't reach for over two days so we need a longer option

Pat Erler commented
yes, such a small change would help enormously!
Mike Roy commented
I like the idea of a note comment field to attach to the alert 'override'.
Mike Roy commented
This is a key feature for me, to be able to simply add a time in hours that I type in, instead of the choice of a few pre-set buttons.
We may be waiting for parts or field tech to get out to an alerting configuration item. I might be weeks. I need to be able to just put that item on ignore for extended amounts of time without change group, etc. (could be months. ~720 hours per month, ~8,640 hours per year)
Patrick Fasser commented
This is critical to us as well
Additionally, we need the option to add a comment why it is paused (e.g. not connected to switch, temporary down until replacement). The comment needs to be seen clearly so that everyone in the team is informed about the pause