Device view to show monitored devices by the agent
at the moment you can nowhere can see in the device view of an server/desktop agent if it is monitoring other devices like "generic".
at the moment we swap a lof of virtual servers which monitor certain others things in the network. you finally see it if you want to delete an old, swapped server, then you get the note that there are devices monitored.
you can do notice this if you browse through the device list of a customer which in fact you never do. os as i told you a few times now that in the dashboard "monitored devices" there should be a 3rd column be present named "missing" where missing monitored devices are showing up - devices which are really offline of devices where it's corresponding agent is offline too.
i know there is a button named "monitored devices" in the device view but i actively have to click this. instead it would be very helpful to have this as list in the upper device table under "ip address" or elsewhere...
if i am not going to delete such a server/desktop agent i will never see that something is wrong and only by coincidence if i browser through a customer devices list...

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