Projects Pane
Projects area separate from daily tickets requests. Just like we have a Tickets pane, a Projects pane would be very helpful where we would have fields such as Initial Engagement date, Projected start date, Projected finish date, Tech assigned (multiple techs), Customer, Subject, Status ( Planning, Testing, Implementing, Standby, Scheduled, On Hold, Started, Completed and ability to enter other custom status), Tasks list with Start and finish dates for the task, ability to change the status on individual tasks to (started, on hold, scheduled, complete) and assigned tech. Also Project number counter separate from the ticket number counter, ability to attach documents such as quotes, ability to run reports on projects and export task status along with time entries to PDF. In other words a projects tracking pane.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
jded commented
This is very important to us. At the moment we are having to use standard tickets for projects, but there are no stages for progress/sign-off, we cannot crate tickets/tasks that fall under larger projects, and using the standard tickets for projects (that often are open for long periods of time) is skewing our support metrics such as average ticket closure time, which is very frustrating.
Matthew James Mifsud commented
This is a very important and highly requested. There are many individual feature requests for this which combined will result in many votes