patch management on the fly profile assignment and execution
It would be good if we can at the device dashboard, select one or multiple devices and execute (RUN Now) a non-applied & unscheduled patch profile
In other words, to assign a patch profile from the list of non-applied & unscheduled patch profile to run immediately and after that remove that patch from the device.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Jan Fredeweß commented
I would extend this reqeust to automation policies in general. We need the possibility to apply an automation policy to a device or group of devices and the job should be excecuted immideatly if needed.
AdminProduct Team (Product Team, Atera) commented
Thanks for your feedback.
You currently can install ad-hoc patches on a device by heading to the device console-> Manage-> Patch Management.Please refer to this knowledge base article for more information: