Archive Customers and Users In Active Customers
Have the ability to archive and hide both entire customers, and individual users within a customer. Be able to keep the customer in the Atera database (tickets, interactions, etc.) but be able to make them inactive, and hide from view.
Be able to hide individual contacts (users) within a customer to also keep ticket history, but not show them as contacts. For example, a contact that was entered into Atera has been terminated or no longer with the company.
And of course be able to re-enable or reactivate that customer or contact...
Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
cjones commented
This is a much needed feature in my opinion...the inactive customer profile often contains a lot of historical data that needs to be preserved at times, and right now you have 2 choices - delete the customer, or leave them 'active' even if they're no longer your customer.
Sean Esler commented
Any further update? This is a critical option to better handle employee turnover and customer churn.
Michael commented
This is a highly needed feature, are there plans for this?