Customer / User Import process needs dramatic improvement
I am a new Atera user, so far its an impressive platform and has a lot going for it however if Atera is going to grow in the small to midsized IT agency market it needs to make a dramatic improvement in a few things.
CSV User/Customer import process. - As of today you can only import users into a specific location (customer) at a time. Yet the CSV template has a field for "*Site Name" this is quite misleading. If you attempt to import with more than one site (say you are a IT team with more than one location for your agency, in our case we are a CITY so we have over 19 locations) it will error out with a header error (also misleading). It errors since it can ONLY accept one location at a time. I would suggest Atera removes this field from the tempate and simply has a pull down menu inside the import process window that allows you to select the site/customer so it clearly corrals the thought here that you can only import one site/customer at a time.
For whatever reason the import process has omitted several critical fields that are in the user table. For example "Department". You cannot import this field. This is critical for many organizations when it comes to accurate reporting, All other fields are importable? Yet this one was simply omitted. What is odd is any custom fields CAN be imported? just this one built in field is somehow omitted.
I would strongly reconsider AD/LDAP synchronization - Not every agency can afford $4-6 a month for Azure. Those of us that run non-profits, or IT outsourcing would rather capture that revenue for ourselves. Many agencies are trying to get away from the forever growing costs of subscription services and want to run open source AD alternatives. In addition larger agencies want to do the same with larger cloud identity validation and authentication services. Sticking to just AD Azure limits Atera to large organizations that have drank the Microsoft Cool Aid. You should consider at the very least LDAP synchronization. IT departments are sick of having onboarding processes for employees that include nine hindered different platforms you need to create a user with. Many good IT organizations try and consolidate this in AD or LDAP. Atera doing the same would benefit greatly.