change alert severity based on our needs
Currently we have several alerts setup for thing like user lockouts, security group changes, new accounts added, etc. Unfortunately those alerts scroll away quickly and are often missed because they are considered "informational".
We need the ability to change the alerting severity in Atera, instead of just matching the status that shows in Windows Event Viewer. While Windows may consider someone getting added to the admin group in active directory informational, to me that may be critical and a sign of a hacker in the system.
Being able to setup alerts from windows events that don't have to match the same status as windows gives them would be a big help for tracking some of the security settings like that.
PS commented
I don't know if this helps you, but this is what we use: On the threshold of "event by source" you can set "Alert Severity (you choose this)"informational,warning, or critical, warning and critical send me emails, but informational sit in the console. The "Alert severity" is what triggers and defines if you get the email alert, not the "Windows Event Severity." Windows event severity does have to equal the incidence's severity in the eventlog but so do, event id and source for the threshold to be triggered.