More in-depth hardware monitoring.
I would like a deeper dive with the metrics that are shown in the devices tab, along with the ability to go even further with in-depth monitoring to put on the main page/ dashboard, like the advanced reports. the best idea i can think of and i believe it might be wishful thinking but would be "HW Monitor Pro" integrate into the portal. every device gets the install, can look at either a master list with all the devices that have it installed or when going to the devices page. Have it automatically record and store up to "X" amount of space desired and at a poll rate desired by an admin (30 seconds, 60 seconds 90 seconds etc.). then if possible, on the device it self have it record at a faster poll rate and have it have a separate save location stored on the device or NAS on site. the in-depth metrics would help with determining issues before they get worse and it could show the lack of performance in some applications like autoCAD, adobe and so on. it would help us know what would help benefit our clients when either needing a repair/ re-paste or differentiate between hardware and software for when the computer is just struggling for the task at hand. i think with an integration that in depth, it would put Atera leagues ahead of other RMMs. Asus is doing it with control center but with only their own platform (their own motherboards)