Global Folders
Ability to create Global folders alongside site specific folders.
Creating a Global folder would effectivly create the folder for each site - and allow automations to be run at a global level.
For example:
If you have 3 device types accross your estate: General, Server, and Till, you could create these as global folders. These folders would then exist in ALL sites and allow you to assign agents to the folders.
Most importantly automations could be run and applied to a global folder - applying it to all agents in each folder in each site.

Daryn Craine commented
Having folders per customer makes no sense at all. Global Folders should be the normal.
Not only this, you should be able to assign a device to more than one folder (category) might be a better name.
Other RMMs do this automatically, and Atera already knows how to do this as it does differentiate servers and PCs.
All my PCs and servers should be in separate folders so my automations I can apply to 'PCs' and not affecting my servers.
Also, in relation other RMMs also can further categorise servers based on roles, knowing what is a DC, SQL Server, RDS etc.
In other RMMs I can also create rules to automatically categorise a server. For example looking for a service for Azure AD Connect and automatically adding to this category.
Imagine, I can onboard a new customer, install the Atera Agent and Atera already knows and has tagged this server as a 'Server', a 'Domain Controller', running 'Azure AD Connect' and has automatically applied monitoring and remediation based on these 'tags'/'categories'/'folders'
It should be simple to do. Ninja can do it, Datto can do it, Connectwise can do it. It's about time Atera could do it