'check-in' frequency
How often does the web UI and agent communicate?
Admittedly it's my own fault, but I often find myself working on an agent, shutting it down, and then forgetting that I still need it (or if I'm testing the Wake on LAN functionality before installing a PC). Sometimes I find myself waiting for up to 30 minutes before the web UI reports the device as offline, and so I can't use the Wake on LAN function as the web UI thinks the device is still online.
Could we either…
A) Increase the frequency the agent and web UI communicate/check-in
B) Always display the Wake on LAN button (as you did with the remote connect button)
C) Have some other functionality in the Manage menu that says check connection, which manually tries to communicate with the agent and instantly marks the device as offline if it fails?
I often have to resort to third-party tools to do this which is unfortunate.
Brendan Richman commented
Just wondering if there was any movement on this one at all? It's becoming increasing frustrating.