Ticket Automation Rules - "ticket created" email - stop email loops
The current "Ticket Created email" automation rule works well most of the time. However, when we need to get a third-party support company involved, they often have an equivalent system that sends an automatic "Ticket Created" email, that creates a new Atera ticket, and sends back a "Ticket Created" email, ad infinitum. In our case we had 18 new tickets created in the seven minutes until we noticed the loop. If someone had not been looking at the Unattended queue, it could have been many more.
My idea is for Atera to be able to identify a "Ticket Created email" loop,and add the new incoming "Ticket Created" email from the third-party system to an already created ticket, and NOT send a Ticket Created email.
A possible way of identifying this loop is multiple emails in a short period from a particular email address, with a subject that is the same, except for an increasing number (ie their ticket number)
Note: this is specifically for occasions where we have not previously dealt with that third-party support company. Obviously once we have dealt with a third-party support company, we then know that that particular company sends out "Ticket Created" emails, and we can add their email address to the "Ticket Created email" automation rule as an exception.