Hardware inventory
It would be great to be able to generate a report that shows all the computers under a client and show at the same time all the hardware information including operating system, cpu, ram amount, hard drive or ssd on the same page.
It seems like a essential feature for this software to be able to have an inventory of a client

Gurmukh Jagdev commented
At the very least have the device name and contact info of the person it's assigned to, should be easy for Atera to implement
Jens-Peter Vraa Jensen commented
Add warranty lookup based on serial number
Patrick PARAIS commented
Ne pas oublier aussi d'ajouter le model de Disque.Merci d'avance
n toussaint commented
et il serait sympa de pouvoir sélectionner les éléments que l'on veut afficher dont les champs personnalisé pour un Numéro d'inventaire par exemple.
Shawn Rose commented
I agree it would be nice to have historical data, but I would also want to have a force refresh option: For some of the data, once it's pulled Atera never seems to check it again. Office versions in particular: I've seen cases where it still shows Office 2016 despite it having long since been upgraded to 365.
At least for the data that Atera already pulls and has available, this is pretty easy with the API. Powershell script (Edited from the one I use which also does a few things like map location via public IP to a site from our Meraki infrastructure, which are stripped). No idea how much of it will stay on this comment, though. (Apparently, everything but the tabs and some random characters getting HTML escaped: Oh well)
$AteraHeaders = @{"X-Api-Key" = "Your API Key"}
$AteraDevices = $null
$Run = $true
$Page = 1
$Count = 0
$Items = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $AteraHeaders -Uri "https://app.atera.com/api/v3/agents?itemsInPage=50&page=$Page"$Page++
if(-not $AteraDevices){
$AteraDevices = New-Object PSCustomObject[] $Items.totalItemCount # Uses lass ram since it isn't going to be recreating the array all the time to add items
foreach($Device in $Items.items){
$AteraDevices[$Count] = $Device
"$Count / $($Items.totalItemCount)"
if($Count -eq $Items.totalItemCount){
$Run = $false
}$AgentInfo = foreach($Agent in $AteraDevices){
$DiskSize = $null
$DiskFree = $null
$DiskPercentage = $nullforeach($disk in $Agent.HardwareDisks){
if($disk.Drive -eq "C:"){
$DiskSize = [Math]::Round($disk.Total/1024)
$DiskFree = [Math]::Round($disk.Free/1024)
$DiskPercentage = [Math]::Round(($disk.Free / $disk.Total)*100)
$Uptime = $null
$Uptime = ([DateTime]::Now - [DateTime]::Parse($Agent.LastRebootTime)).Days
ID = $Agent.AgentID
Online = $Agent.Online
Name = $Agent.SystemName
User = $Agent.LastLoginUser
Domain = $Agent.DomainName
'Reported IP' = $Agent.ReportedFromIP
'Internal IP' = $Agent.IpAddresses -join "; "
'Uptime' = $Uptime
OS = $Agent.OS
'OS Build' = $Agent.OSBuild
Office = $Agent.Office
'Office Build' = $Agent.OfficeFullVersion
Vendor = $Agent.Vendor
Model = $Agent.VendorBrandModel
CPU = $Agent.Processor
RAM = "$([Math]::Round($Agent.Memory/1024)) GB"
'Disk Free' = $DiskFree
'Disk Size' = $DiskSize
'Disk Usage' = $DiskPercentage
Serial = $Agent.VendorSerialNumber
}$AgentInfo | Export-Excel -NoNumberConversion Model,Serial -Show
Paul Johnson commented
That report can be written in PowerShell and output to Excel as a csv. It would need to be run from inside the domain on something with Office installed.
Jeff Smith commented
I'm pretty sure this didn't work in the past as I had a similar complaint. However, I believe it's fixed now. If you go into Advanced reports, apply a filter, refresh, and select Windows PC tile, you will get a downloadable report with just that customer's Data. It includes good basic H/W info:
Machine Name OS Environment Name Bios Manufacturer Bios Release Date Bios Version Memory Motherboard Sound System Drive Vendor Domain Name Domain Group Last Logged User Last Seen Date Model Serial Number Last Reboot Time Video Card OS Processor Clock Processor Cores Count
Obviously, it's missing some fields that would be useful such as: IP Address, MAC, OS ver&build, AV type&status, disk capacity, disk model, disk free space, non-boot disk info, bitlocker status, and I'm sure more. All of this data is available from the Device info screen for an individual device and it would be nice to have a comprehensive report, but at least a basic amount of h/w data is available from the Advanced Report function.
Laurent Morel commented
A better hardware dedicated report would be nice.