Priority matrix ITIL
Current impact values (server issue and site down) do not reflect to many real life scenarios and are not in line whit industry best practises.
So i propose the possibility to use "Priority matrix" when creating tickets.
Most of companies use matrix to define ticket priority.
Priority is based on impact and urgency and field is not user editable.
Impact and urgency are defined on scale LOW-MED-HIGH-CRITICAL
And based on values user has submitted ticket priority is defined to
Matrix could have 2 default option 3x3 (low-med-high) or 4x4 (low-me-high-critical)
This provides companies the possibility to define their own impact and urgency scale.
Example of impact:
Ticket causes the loss of <100e/h - Low
Ticket causes the loss of 100e -500e h - Med
Tickets causes the loss of 500 - 1000e/ h - High
Tickets causes the loss of >1000e/h - Critical