API: Find out if a time entry has been invoiced
We need to be able to verify through API the INVOICED (True/False) of any time entry.
Currently, the only way to find out whether a billable time entry has been invoiced is to run the "Timesheet Report", export everything (because you can't filter by billable and invoiced status), export to excel and filter.
We came across multiple instances where we have an old time entry that someone did not make it to invoicing and doesn't show on the invoice batch screen. Being that THE HEART OF MSP business is to bill for time spent, we need to be able to develop our own script to verify that time entries have been properly billed.
Currently the only way we have to find time entries is through
"get /api/v3/tickets/{ticketId}/workhoursrecords" which forces us to parse all tickets, and for each ticket call the above API. It returns the property "Billable" True/False, but not "Invoiced".
We need to know the Invoice status and the invoice number it was invoiced under.
Ideally, being able to query all time entries directly, without having to specify a ticket number, would be a lot better, faster, and generate less traffic on Atera's API servers. We could search by Customer, Billed-Status, Invoice-Status, Date, etc.