Free Dashboard Account
Add the ability to login to a dashboard account for media walls in offices etc so the whole room can view the core dashboard data continuously.
It's V expensive to pay for an account in full for this option when all we need is the dashboard showing on a big screen for visibility.

Pete Curtner commented
An ideal dashboard would also be customizable: which modules to display and for how long.
Also, must have dark mode.
Luis Arroyo Jr. commented
I'm very interested in this same feature.......It would be something to have in an Operations Center and for client's to see when touring the MSP's facilities/offices.....
Aaron Elliott commented
I would pay double if we could get a dedicated, customizable WALLBOARD that doesn't have access to anything except the widgets we checkbox.
Basically the existing Dashboard, but not requiring a User License and that WALLBOARD user not having access to anything except for the live dashboard.
Every other system has a Wallboard/NOC Display feature.
No user license would be used for this, as it wouldn't be a user, but I wouldn't be against paying a little extra for this "user", as I understand it would require it's own login. That dedicated login would also have to not be limited to one login, as we'd like to have this displayed in multiple offices/NOCs/locations all at once beside our other monitoring wallboards. (PRTG mainly)
Michal Tomaszewski commented
I'd like to be able to display the dashboard on a large TV in the office - with alerts, ticket count and technicians' performance - ideally via a custom URL - something that does not require an engineer license and not have access to helpdesk, scripts or device management.