Do not send notifications option
Have a selection to not reply to certain contacts (still accept tickets, but not reply to them) - for example we have a selection of customers backups / ups etc notifications come in from non-existent email addresses, the ticket created is solely for our purpose and the senders address isn't connected to a mailbox - so it generantes a DNR email when Atera replies to the non-existing email address - just a minor annoyance :)

Lenny Llewellyn commented
Agreed, we currently send voicemails as an attachment to create a ticket. However the email address from our hosted PABX is a dummy "noreply" address and we end up with an NDR in the ticket. Annoying as we have to filter through the response to get to the original email.
Ideally a simple do not send response tick box for the contact would be ideal. We also have other support companies that email us from their platform that generates multiple tickets due to automated responses.