Battery Health Report
Hello, it would be good if we could run a report to collect the battery health of all devices for all customers.... or at least set an Alert or Warning up if a battery falls below a certain percentage

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Christopher Camara commented
This would be an excellent feature so we can be proactive in replenishing our stock of batteries.
Nathan Ramsden-Lock commented
This does sort of exist now, see
Pontica Admin Team commented
Would be a great "from the shelf" feature.
As a workaround you can do that with a scheduled powershell in Atera. -
Mehran Ajaz commented
Is there an update on this?
Peter Chapman commented
Looking for the Battery Charge Capacity as a Percentage of Battery Design Capacity so we can telly when a battery is reaching the end of its useful life - an absolute must for Asset Management.
Charles Hanekom commented
This is a great feature to ensure that sales team can run reports or even log a ticket based on the alert under custom amount of percentage if device battery health reaches that. Great add-on for current battery health update on agent info, thanks for that!
Cerberus commented
Excellent for customers and a quick way to generate some extra revenue.