Reporting (with excel Exports)
Across All Categories:
Being the admin on our system I have the need to run many reports across ALL Customers, or ALL Devices, or ALL Tickets, or any other detail.
We need a Report section where we can select certain criteria, and be able to run it against (All our system data)
ALL Customers, or ALL Devices, or ALL Tickets. I realize using ALL seems like a wide open query, but not if you limit the choices.
First select either Customer, or Ticket, or Devices, etc
Customer (Across all Customers)
drop down list of All available Customer fields (including Custom)
Let me select the fields I want to use for my search criteria
Return all Customer fields as part of the search results - And let me Export to Excel
Example: Return all Customer's (and all field data) for Customers created during 2021, or between two dates.
Tickets (Across all Customers)
You already have the query built here, just give me an option to export to Excel
drop down list of All Ticket fields (including Custom)
Let me select the fields I want to use for my search criteria
Return all Ticket fields as part of the search results (maybe only the first 100 characters of the Client initial ticket request) - And let me Export to Excel
All tickets with specified tags - and allow me to export to Excel
All tickets between two dates - and allow me to export to Excel
As I mentioned, you already have the query built here, just give me an option to export to Excel
Devices (Across all Customers)
drop down list of All Ticket fields (including Custom)
Let me select the fields I want to use for my search criteria
Return all Device fields as part of the search results
Return all Devices where OS Edition contains Windows 10*
Return all Devices where OS Edition contains Version is Windows 10* and OS Version is 20H2
Return all Devices with Windows 10 that have either KB50009543 or KB5010793 installed. Across All Customers.
Using IT Automation profiles:
At present I can create an IT Automation profile to run my own script. I can easily create the IT Automation profile. The issue is adding clients and devices. If I add the Customer name on the first field, it automatically adds all devices for the Customer. I have no way to select Customer-Alias Folder Name. If I try to add from the Folders screen, the drop down is empty.
i.e. Favorites, or a Custom folder named Workstations.
To do this, I must navigate away, and go to Customers > Devices, and select our custom folder "Workstations".
By clicking the Actions button I am able to apply it to the IT Automation Profile to all devices within that Folder.
The issue is when I need to exclude, or remove devices from my IT Automation Profile after it has been created. The removal process using the IT Automation screen is too small to scroll through several hundred devices (at 5 per page) and pick and choose. At present I must navigate to the individual device, then the device details page and remove the IT Automation Profile that has been assigned. I have found this to also be cumbersome. And quite frankly it is easier and faster to delete my IT Automation Profile and start over from scratch.