Update timeline for devices
You installed the Atera agent on a computer running Windows 7 in 2019, and then during its time it's been in place upgraded to Windows 10, taken a few Windows 10 build updates and is now on 21h2, or that Mac that was running Catalina when you last got in front of it, but it's now on Monterey.
A visual timeline of these updates and patches would be very helpful. For those of us left floundering during the first day after Microsoft broke L2TP recently with an update, it would have been a great tool for piecing together "we've got 50 units across 4 clients now unable to connect their VPN and looking in their update timeline they all took this update last night/this morning".
Those cases of "my computer was working perfectly for ages and now the printer and VPN haven't worked all week" would be easier to troubleshoot if you could look on a timeline and see that the user first had problems on Tuesday and on Monday night they upgraded from Big Sur to Monterey (an actual issue we had this week with the upgrade breaking VPN and print drivers)
in the SMB space, a lot of users have no clue as to what updates have run (especially Mac users) or even if they have run, and why should they, but knowing about them will help us as their MSP to stay informed and resolve issues.
Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!