Schedule a single script at the device level or in tickets
Scheduling a script run right at the device (or even inside a ticket where you could pick the device!) would be ideal, with users in meetings frequently we could schedule patch removals or other items requiring a reboot for post meeting or known free/available time - it would be ideal as well to get an automated ticket update saying it had run and completed or failed

Nice! The feature you requested is being
reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an
eye on the number of votes, and let you know if
a decision is reached to implement. Thank you
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Paul Rose commented
Hi Dor,
The idea of this is to apply it once and never again, it’s a random event on a schedule – like removing a particular patch as an example. It’s not meant for wide use like not a whole client needs it, just one machine for one client.
Although you could add an automation profile, the issues with that are
It’s a long process using automation profiles for something that should be perhaps 5 steps – see below **
The profile is permanent until you go back and delete it – if you don’t and apply 15 or 20 a week it would be a disaster as it automation would grow exponentially large – it’s just another thing you have to do to complete the single task
I can pick whole customers this applies to – but not individual machines inside that client when creating the profile, I frankly don’t see a way to pick just one machine only the whole client, if I could picked one machine I’d have to go back and select or deselect machines to get the one I want – the work flow is awful and time consuming – it’s just not fast, efficient or intuitive.As you know a large part of the day is doing regular single task events, have a quick, 5 step process and being able to move on and get an automated log 4 hours later helps us move to new tickets faster and mark older ones resolved or triggers additional action if it fails, hours later with the automated email report
I envision something like this (not having to leave a ticket to do something is huge and efficient, having to leave a ticket and come back is slow)
** 5 steps and apply
In ticket click the new button “schedule an event”, the client auto populates because the ticket is assigned already to a client profile, chose device(s) with check boxes, choose run a script, pick script, schedule a date/time, apply
the post event log should automatically be emailed to the assigned tech or if no one assigned a default tech accountI hope that clarifies my thinking on this. I would imagine this process could be applied to many things, not just this.