swap it auto profiles and update it auto profiles in time scheme
we do have the problem that we are atera customer since 2016 and started with setup in that times. then there was a breakpoint when atera developed a new time scheme model for it auto profiles.
now the point is - for reasons that cannot be explained by me - there is not "update button" for a profile which would start with a fresh new scheme for just to enter the desired one again. this is needed!
and for the next if that will not be developed that we need a tool to swap all assigned it auto profiles means...
klick the button "swap profile" and get a popup with a dropdown to select the old profile and another one with the new profile. then it should show in ribbons all customers who have the old one assigned as default (which is a dangerous function to me anyhow), and another ribbon with agents who have directly assigned the old profile. that agent ribbon should have a filter option for all or a desired customer. then select which device/customer should swap the profile and - bam - done.
But you could do this differently because it is a wish too: the advanced filter should be able to search for devices with a certain it auto profile (threshold profiles would be handy too), then i could select the needed devices and add the desired it auto profile for bulk adding - but then there MUST be a bulk remove option be there too...
at the moment you can do nothing like this and should really know exactly what to setup if you add new customers. later changes are really, really time consuming. at the moment - because time scheme can not be changed - we would have to open(!) about 800 devices to remove a profile... that's weird.