Solution/Solved Tag in tickets + Solution Search
You have just been dealing with a difficult case, after hours/days you finally nail it and solve it. You feel great, the world is at your feet, other techs look upon you with awe as if a God walks among them.
Now what you really want to do is add a note to your ticket "This issue was solved by doing the following..." and you provide a summary or link to the article you followed, and then tick a lovely check box that says "this update contains a solution" or something similar.
This will mark this ticket update as searchable, also containing the client and user the ticket was logged against and the tech who wrote the solution.
not so difficult so far...
Then the good bit, an extra seach function in atera to search through all those notes that are marked as a solutions.
"do you remember when Dave at Client X had that really wierd issue? its cropped up for Pete at Client Y!"
a solution search would change the reply from
"oh man that was ages ago, Jim solved that but he doesnt work here anymore" to "pop open atera, search the solutions against Client X made by Jim" - "oh look , there's the fix!"
Some of you may say that's what the knowledgbase is for, but the interface for the knowledgebase is so about faced it makes it horrible to use. and you have to make the effort to save your notes from a case, then go in, click new article and seemingly work backwards to create a category, then a section, then you can finally add your atricle in a write it up. It's about as streamlined as a Borg Cube.
Who has the time to do this? normally its finish one ticket, move to the next, the luxury of write up time after a case is far away on the wish list. But a simple check box when writing a ticket, that is streamlined and efficient