Enhanced White Label Branding
- One is to incorporate a password on the agent so people cannot accidently or purposely shut down the agent or uninstall because they are not sure what it is!
- Expand the White Label branding so it also allows customizing or generically displaying the install program name and folder name, as well as in the Apps and Add Remove Program Files. Instead of “Atera” under Program Files or Program Files (x86), or the Apps and Add Remove Program files use something like “RmmAgent” or “MSPcompanynameagent” The reason is customers see the Atera program and decide they do not know it and uninstall it or go into panic mode. If it was the MSP’s company name they would at least recognize it. We think this would very beneficial to both MSP’s and in house IT departments.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Peninsula Computer Solutions Ltd. commented
It is really unfortunate that this is taking so long. Our team have now been forced to look at other RMM software systems that already include this feature and are willing to match or beat the Atera billing model of per technican. I cannot mention two of the names but the competition is matching and beating the Atera pricing.
Peninsula Computer Solutions Ltd. commented
This also needs to be Fast Tracked. This has been under review since October of 2021. It seems adding new addin's and other features is taking priority. This and uninstallation protection is forcing us to review other RMM packages, most of which nearly all provide this feature. Thanks
Matt Hardwick commented
Agreed, this should be a staple - competitors, even if the agent per se isn't branded put it in a branded folder/installer name makes it clear what it is and where it is from.
bram bram commented
point 2 would be a really big plus.
One way because it creates clarity for the end customer company name agent + professionalism of the MSP
In addition, purchase prices of Anti-virus are also visible on the Atera site. So every end customer that googles will find these prices.