Bitwarden Integration
For internal and client password management as well as OTP sign in using cloud instances or on-site integrations of bitwarden.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Matthew Scott commented
This would seal the deal for my company.
COOLNETAU commented
suggestion is this.
for any client using bitwarden, we should be able to set up a folder for them (in their bitwarden instance) and allow the client level, and asset level (as a subfolder of the main one) passwords, notes and even documents.
this could be done via selfhosted vaultwarden_rs instances, and allow Atera to keep files and details offline in a hosted vaultwarden_rs instance instead of in their network
It would offload file hosting and so forth, whilst allowing clients of the MSP to see it all
best part is that you are offloading the data storage to the MSP
Allen Bolderoff commented
is this still on the table?
Ganesh Kripapuri commented
I use Bitwarden for all our clients and this will be a real shot in the arm!