When opening a ticket from an agent, that agent should be automatically assigned to the ticket.
When creating a ticket from an agent, it does not set that agent in the ticket.
The agent is automatically set based on which contact is selected when creating the ticket. (I have just confirmed this is the case with support)
There is also no Agent menu on the New Ticket page, so technicians need to open the ticket again after creating it to correctly set the agent.
Contact and Agent should be independent as often we need to clear changes (buying software, hardware upgrades, etc.) with some form of management -be it business owner or their finance department- before proceeding, and often the user already knows about the issue.
The Customer is correctly automatically set in the Ticket, so also selecting Agent should be fairly easy, just another variable to pass along with customer ID.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Jens Klar commented
When tickets are created by a customer contact and an agent is assigned, all of the contact's other tickets will have their agent changed. There are contacts who use multiple devices. Therefore, this should be adjusted immediately. Because that's just too cumbersome. At the moment it's better if I don't assign an agent to the ticket.
Luke A commented