More Snippet Options
As it stands currently, I can input a snippet for the guest portal link, however, for those that will be new to the portal, I would like to add a snippet to a KB that I created they can go to for assistance on how to log in for the first time.
An example of this is that when a new users account gets created, they should receive an email with a randomly generated password (or so I'm told this happens) or they can choose the option of 'Forgot password' and reset the password themselves. Currently, it doesn't seem like if the user were to input the random password that they would be prompted to change it. So its back to either the 'forgot password' option or using the random password to log in and then change their passwords from within.
The KB would help assist the user walking them through which option to move forward with and to eliminate the tickets/ Personal Messages I receive simply asking me how to log into the portal to check their tickets.