Print a Ticket
Clients have asked me for copies the the ticket's in a pdf form. There is no nice way to print a ticket, and the time entry notes.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Deagen Walsh commented
This would Be great
Philip Jones commented
This would be beneficial. It would be ideal if image attachments where included as well.
Tom Kinsbrum commented
This is super important, the feature should include the time stamps and differentiate between internal and public response - if public response was to several emails it should be included.
Grebe Zaayman commented
Save a ticket as a PDF, but before doing so have the ability to "hide" internal notes.
This is handy if you want to present the ticket to the client without displaying internal notes
Chris Abramowicz commented
This would be VERY helpful for our bench techs. Once the ticket is created, having paper to set down next to each computer in the shop makes it easy to take notes and just be able to walk up to a machine and see what's what.
Benjamin Steffes-Lai commented
Looking for this option for a while. Or a proper print view would already help. Or just an option to display the original message without the messed up HTML formatting within the ticket view.
Christian Schauber commented
This is a very useful and important feature for all of us. Many of our customers - if not all - would like to have their tickets printed out when they are closed. If possible, even as a detailed summary with the customer's signature. In Germany, documentation is also very important and essential for invoicing.