A smarter way to monitor temperature
One of the most important features of any RMM solution is the monitoring of hardware. Specifically, temperature of the motherboard, CPU and DISK. Atera has that capability right now and thresholds are fully customizable. But different hardware has different thresholds.
Within the Intel lineup, there are different thresholds for the i3, i5 and i7. And even within the same processor family, there are different thresholds for different generations.
Having one conservative threshold generates a lot of false alerts. And going the other way is risky. Creating different thresholds for different processor types and generations becomes a management nightmare giving that we can't create monitoring sets yet.
What would be great is if Atera built an AI engine that received temperature telemetry data from the agents and compared them against a database of specifications for each peace of hardware. This way, you only have to build it once and every client benefits from it.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
David Yoder commented
I 100% support this. Being able to classify alerts based on some hardware matching would be really beneficial. I would want to say something like "if processor contains 'i7' set temp threshold to 90F for 30min", or something to that effect. What I DON'T want is "if processor equals 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700 CPU @ 3.00GHz - 8 cores' set temp threshold to 90F for 30min".
Lenny Firmin commented
We have recently onboarded some devices and are seeing alot of false positives too. When speaking to support its hard to have a one size fits all approach.
Something of this nature would be even smarter insight of device health.