Alert Tickets
When a ticket is created for an alert the following features would be amazing.
Self-heal - If the threshold returns to normal the ticket auto closes.
Quick Connect - On an alert ticket having a shortcut to the affected device with the ability to click the shortcut and go straight to the machine.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Byron Revels commented
This is a great idea. The current work around of closing tickets after X-hours isn't sufficient and doesn't address the problem directly.
Michael Fahey commented
Can you also add the option to auto-resolve different types of alerts or not. We should be able to see an alert history. They can fall down below into an inactive status or change color but seeing history helps us identify trends and quickly see what's happened recently.
Konstantinos Nikoloudis commented
instead of Quick Connect, Manage will be more useful in my opinion.
Mergim Rizahu commented
Self-heal - if the threshold returns to normal where perfect to auto close the ticket.
Naveen Thummala commented
Please let us know if this feature is available as we are also looking for this.