Automated rules based on Criteria
Automated rules based on things like below
- device type - Server / Laptop / Desktop
- OS Type
- OS Version
- etc.
This would then allow us to setup automation rules for newly installed agents or publish IT Automation based on criteria like so
If "computer os" is "windows 10" then install these applications
this automates the ability to install AV / Applications / etc. when a new agent comes online for a customer
this in turn allows for an agent to be installed onto a computer which will then automate chocolaty to install
we would also need options to install webroot / bitdefender which would also allow us to save the key for a customer so that when we install webroot it would automatically be installed
If "computer os" = "windows 10" then install AV (using the already existing script on your site) with key = "customer key"
each Automated rule should be able to be configured for every site... just selected sites.. or just 1 site

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Julian Brennum commented
Yes, this is a much-needed feature, both for newly added devices, but also devices that are already added.
We should have the ability to create different automation profiles/reports for installing missing software, updates, run scripts etc.
AutoProfile 1:
Install X software if it's missing from client
Uninstall X software if it's installed on client
Run script X if parameter is not met, do not run if it is.
Create a warning if X
Update software if version X is missing, install if not already installed.These should be able to be assigned to global, folders, clients, and individual agents.
Gregory Gottignies commented
The criteria selection could work the same way we use the views with the filters on the "devices" section.