Remote Connection Report
Provide a Remote Connection report to show dates, times and duration of a remote connection. This is highly valuable to demonstrate remote actions to clients and justify MSP services and value. Also to potentially include remote worker reporting for add-on billing of the service.

Nice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Manuel Rodriguez commented
It's been nearly Two years since this has been considered for development. Unfortunately it still does not exist however a workaround that is it a bit tedious, but I use it when in a bind to provide, as Randy suggested, the justification of our MSP services and value. While logged in as an Atera Admin, go to the Admin section on bottom, then go to Audit Logs, and then on the right hand side setup the time frame and remote actions selected. Then Generate the report, export to excel and sort by organization. Then you can pre-screen before submitting.
blackkadush commented
please plan to build this! I would use this 3000%
Joe Smith commented
Having this would finally allow us to drop GoToAssit for remote support and migrate 100% over to Atera. We keep GoToAssit for the reporting and just as important, the "notes" box that pops up when a session ends for the tech to put in a brief description of the work they performed. It's amazing how often we have to refer back to it.
luxminarayan luxminarayan commented
Also there should be one more stat about remote connection speed, So that We can ask customer to have good Bandwidth
Barnaby Relf commented
Completely agree, this is an absolute must for MSP's to be able to help justify time spent on issues when reporting to clients on activity and it will ultimately help justify invoices.
Timothy S. Wilkey commented
For HIPAA compliance I need to be able to log customer "Work From Home Sessions". In other words just as I can view the log for REMOTE ACTIONS for technicians, I need to do the same for REMOTE SESSIONS by "Work From Home" users as well. I see that I can at least check the logs here, (C:\Program Files (x86)\Splashtop\Splashtop Remote\Server\log) but a report would be better.
Nelson commented
To see how long the remote connection lasted, we need to check the Splashtop debug logs on the endpoint machine that show when a connection is started and ended.
The logs are more for debug so it may look pretty cryptic.Need something like attendance so many of the employee of the customers is working from home
info commented
Absolute +1, please add this feature!
Johan Chauvet commented
On Teamviewer, afin each remote session, a screen pop up where you can write down a few words -lines.
This is in order to remember what exactly you did during that remote session.
Cesar Gonzalez commented
+1 to this option!
Netcom Support commented
Bonus! you should consider logging/adding to the report: Remote IP address, files transferred.
Eric Breton commented
This is the only feature I miss from NINJARMM