SentinelOne Integration
An integration with SentinelOne, a global leader in cyber-security

Shyam Pema commented
It would be nice to have S1 as addon as we're evaluating Atera.
Dennis Pudoka commented
Would love to get S1 integration from Atera. I currently pay $4.00 per endpoint through Pax8. It would be nice if Atera could do better. I believe Ninja has S1 integration for $3.00 per endpoint. Considering moving to Ninja for the savings alone from my S1 savings.
Moises Forchue commented
I can't wait for this add-on to become a reality!
Intercomp Systems commented
This should be Atera's #1 priority! Adding SentinelOne to their add-ons!
Clinton Contor commented
SentinelOne is absolutely the way to go!! This product helps me sleep at night - it is awesome!
Mike Harvey commented
Is the Atrea team looking into adding Sentinel One EDR? This would be a game changer.
Brian Anklam commented
This is an important Integration for us.
Paul Debogorski commented
Bumping as it's been a few months since the last comment. I agree, having S1 here at Atera would be awesome! Used it to great effect for clients to prevent ransomware and other attacks.
Paul Debogorski commented
We use S1 as well, and having it integrated as an additional layer on top of Webroot/BitDefender/ESET would be awesome, since I'm sure the rest can attest how well S1 works to stop ransomware dead in its tracks.
Daniel Sandmann commented
we use SentinelOne as well. Please integrate this Add-On
will will commented
Definitely want this
Bram Dispa commented
SentinelOne is absolutely the way to go over here. At the moment, we use two consoles and manually keep them in sync. (Okay, and we wrote some scripts.)
Julian Brennum commented
Would be nice to know is this is something that is being worked on. The "under review" status was last updated in 2021.
Chris Williams commented
Can confirm S1 integration would be life-changing
Daniel Sandmann commented
We use SentinelOne as well. Would be a big feature to us.
Jeff Singler commented
Yes, I use this too and would like to see a partnership or even a way to integrate with atera. to use the prebuilt bitdefender or webroot in the atera system is nice but I have sold clients on the S1 platform and it is topnotch. I won't use various AV tools, I only streamline.
matt belyus commented
We use Sentinel one and this would be huge for us.
Matthew Fox commented
Top Priority I want to be able to deploy S1 from Atera
Mitch Wade commented
I have some previous experience with Sentinel One through another RMM Platform, and I really liked it. It's a very solid EDR tool, and I'd love to see it offered as an Add On.
Lee Hoang commented
and SentinelOne integration with SonicWALL's Capture Client..