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  1. Lot of Serveurs are monitored for inactivity but also are managed to applied some update with reboot or managed to auto reboot automaticly on an agenda...

    A fonction to schedule some range time to suspend the monitoring of a computer form a time to another time and permit to avoid lot fake alert can be a really good think..

    In all monitoring solution the worsted problem is the fake alerts... Avoiding fake alert with a planning of monitoring is really imporant for all MSP.

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  2. Currently we have several alerts setup for thing like user lockouts, security group changes, new accounts added, etc. Unfortunately those alerts scroll away quickly and are often missed because they are considered "informational".

    We need the ability to change the alerting severity in Atera, instead of just matching the status that shows in Windows Event Viewer. While Windows may consider someone getting added to the admin group in active directory informational, to me that may be critical and a sign of a hacker in the system.

    Being able to setup alerts from windows events that don't have to match the…

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  3. In the Get Alerts API, some sort of Contact information should be shown so there is a way to notify the final users about the alert. If at least the Contact/User ID is shown then we can retrieve the contact information needed from the Get Contact by ID API.

    I've reported this to the chat support and they told me so far there is no possible connection to match the data. It would be great to add this as this will help to make more use of the alerts, otherwise its some manual work to go and look for the…

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  4. There needs to be a way to have Windows desktop alerts for when a customer submits a ticket, not just for alerts generated by thresholds. It will greatly improve resolution times and productivity (and is something that ServiceNow has had enabled for at least ten years).

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  5. Apply an Alert Threshold by agent type. IE only apply to servers or workstations

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  6. The ALERTS triangle does not clear alerts after the alerts page clears an event.
    If multiple techs are working and the alerts show for all devices - even those that are cleared, causes extra work and duplication of a tech reviewing an alert that is not existent but exists at the triangle. Plus they don't go away so you never can see which is the most recent.

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  7. It would be good to receive an email alert about a contract nearing expiry, e.g. block of hours contract. Currently have to rely on seeing the notification when logging into Atera.

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  8. So i have a typical backup error that occours once or twice a week on random customers, some scenarios is when the backupvault isnt available for example internet interuption or similar.
    Then the "manual" solution" is to restart the service next day when i check the backuplogg. So it would be nice to be able to tick a box in combination with running a selfhealing script that close the alert imedieately if the "selfhealing" setting is enabled. I can then automatically trigger a new backup and the later backup will most probaly run successful. This could of course be nice…

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  9. The current Network Bandwidth threshold provides little value.

    It would be better if there was a Network Interface (Utilization) Alert. Knowing if a device is downloading or uploading large amounts of data could be a red flag and worth investigating.

    Create a customize alert for monitoring the Network Interface on a device to trigger an alert based on the total amount of data being sent (upload) or received (download) during a specific duration of time.

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  10. We need the ability to monitor hard drive temperature alerts differently for different drives.
    We can separate drives for disk USAGE and need to be able to for temps as well.

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  11. We are seeing that we will get multiple of the same alerts for the same device throughout the day. We would like to have the ability for it to either auto merge or auto close any new tickets that come in if we already have a ticket open for that specific alert.

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  12. So I would like to have ability to define a device type beyond a server or workstation for availability monitoring. We use jumpboxes (devices we deploy to clients networks) with advanced tools and such on them and i would like the ability to define that and have a Single pane of glass as it were into the availability of said jumpboxes. I would be able at a glance to see how many of my jumpboxes are online across my clients. Only having servers and workstations does not give me the ability to monitor anything else easily. Additional types may be…

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  13. Monitoring agents for Microsoft Azure.

    Monitoring agent for Azure AD

    It would be great to have the possibility to monitor Azure Element like Azure VMs, Storage Accounts, MySQL Database, PostgreSQL Database, SQL Database, Load Balancer, Virtual Network Gateways, Traffic Manager, Webserver, Certificates, Kubernetes, ...
    It would also be interesting the collection of some metrics for historical view.
    Azure costs could also be monitored

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  14. For IT techs that don't sit in front of a computer watching the Atera dashboard waiting for a ticket to be submitted, it would be nice to have an optional audio alert that can be toggled on to alert the technician(s) that a ticket has been submitted.

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  15. My support email is related to my helpdesk, however it is now sending all alerts as "Help Desk". I would really like it if the support emails were still labeled Help Desk but they system alerts were labeled Atera Alert or something like that. This would allow me to quickly distinguish between the two when receiving an email

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  16. can u add/change the feature for "availabity monitoring" to where we can modify the time settings without modifying the registry on servers that have the antera agent. Currently there is no Threshold Profile that can accomplish this, nor do we have any option to change the time interval that atera as set, which I believe is 3 minutes.

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  17. You currently have an alert for software newly installed or uninstalled but only generates information events in the event viewer.
    Please add an option for an email notification. This is really important to be able to monitor all software changes on end devices and as you already have the alerts it should be an easy implementation.

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  18. It would be nice if you could automatically generate alerts/tickets based on Assets with an expiration date approaching.

    For example, if I create an asset for a Software or Hardware Maintenance/Support agreement. Atera should able to send an alert or create a ticket for that asset based on the defined expiration date. You could allow the customer to define the threshold for how far in advance to send the alert.

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  19. Ability to choose which alert will open a ticket

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  20. Alerts sent to text messaging on cell phone.
    Why haven't you setup the alerts to send texts to our cell phone?

    The last RMM we used to have, had this feature and we never missed a clients office going offline.

    Can we all agree that this is a feature Atera needs to add.

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