Possibility to manual deactivation of agents without deletion
It would be extremely helpful if Atera offered the opportunity to manually deactivate agents without deleting it completely from the system. There are often devices that are retired or temporarily inactive, but the data of which we still need for documentation or reporting purposes. At the moment, however, we only have the option of leaving them in the system, which means that they are still shown in reports and in patch management-which leads to confusion and unnecessary notifications.
Archiving: Devices that are no longer used actively are to be archived without being completely removed. In this way, historical data for audits or reports are retained.
Reduction of alarm flood: Disabled agents are to be removed from patch management and other automated monitoring processes in order to obtain a clearer presentation and less unnecessary warnings and notifications.
Flexible device management: Administrators could keep devices that may be reactivated again, keep it more easily in the system and, if necessary, take it back into active operation with minimal effort.
Expected functionality:
A "disable" button in the agent settings that sets the agent on "inactive", so that it is hidden from monitoring and patch management views.
A filter or a category for deactivated devices that can be easily reactivated at any time.
Optional settings as to whether and which reports should continue to consider these deactivated devices.
The device management in Atera would consider this function considerably and ensure more clarity in daily work.
Thank you for taking this suggestion into account!