For me to complete my trial and actually start paying several hundred dollars a month to Atera, I MUST have:
A. some sort of input to Atera as what the invoice number will be when synced to XERO
B. The ability to ensure that my payment details appear on my invoices to clients - how the hell do they know how to pay me?
C. the ability to add my TAX ID (ABN/VAT/etc) to the invoice as required by law in my country
D. Dates on invoices to be in anything but MM/DD/YYYY - whilst I may understand it, my clients (DD/MM/YYYY) will not

Lionel Marais commented
We also required by law to have tax numbers in invoices. We currently need to export it to pdf and let our finance team redo the billing, as we also cannot let the invoice be sent from an Atera email address.
COOLNETAU commented
honestly this is all a huge red flag.