Bill unresolved tickets (Because they might otherwise become too large)
I have a lot of tickets that extend into the next month. For example, a ticket labeled "IT Takeover."
Many different tasks are being performed on this ticket. So, it's essentially not just a ticket, but more like a project.
I would like to bill this ticket already, i.e., the work that has already been done, and then continue working on it next month. Is there an option for this?
Alternatively, we could incorporate two things:
Projects (that can contain multiple tickets)
An option to decide whether the ticket should be billed at the end of the month...
(Ideally as a default and within the billing as a selection)
=> This way, I can decide whether I want to bill the 5 hours now or not.
I try to send out my invoices quickly because otherwise the customer gets overwhelmed with the invoice in the next month. Better 2x 5 hours than 10 hours at once ;-)